Jul 31, 2010

Relax and swing #maplecrestgolf

Relax and swing #maplecrestgolf

Jul 20, 2010

Sea world

Jul 14, 2010


Jul 13, 2010

Jul 8, 2010

Andi Welther Welcome to the Hall Eleven Team by Till Beckert from Dr.Fontane on Vimeo.

swap cell phone for skateboard it would be more realistic

So popular even tween girls skateboard now! Right? Randy at SkateAndAnnoy.com posts anything and everything skateboarding related.  I sent him this picture knowing he would post it. Hilarious! Sorry Jess I threw the magazine away. :-(  Here's the original post on skate and annoy.  Notice he links to CoshoctonSkatePark.org  when you click on my name.

Jul 1, 2010

Fundraising for Coshocton Skate Park!!!

The original article can be found at the Coshocton Tribune's site. And if you don't feel like typing here's the link to the Coshocton Skate Park conceptual design.
